ice cream

Strawberry yogurt popsicles

Strawberry yogurt popsicles

Can it be spring without strawberries or summer without ice cream? No it can’t. So it is time that we had our first ice cream and of course made by our own hands. Very refreshing, light and tasty and it can be made so easily and quickly that there is no reason for you not to try it.

Fragrant strawberries mixed with refreshing yogurt and the result is just irresistible. But I think that the most important thing about this recipe is that it is a temptation with very low calories. The only thing that is a little harmful (if I can say so) is the sugar but sweet without any sweetness can it be? I don’t think so. Nevertheless if you are very careful with your diet or you can’t eat sugar for medical or any other reason you can substitute it with other sweeteners like stevia or anything else you prefer. I haven’t tried it so I can’t tell you the result.

Strawberry yogurt popsicles

If you don’t want to make popsicles or you don’t have the molds for that, you can freeze the mixture in your ice cream machine and you will have a very smooth and fluffy yogurt ice cream. I prefer popsicles because is easier to taste as you don’t need to wait for the ice cream to stay a little out of the freezer so you can serve it or you don’t need any bowl or spoon. I think it is very important too. Also if you have children surely they will like it a lot more!

Whatever way you prefer it, it is absolutely tasty!!!!

Strawberry yogurt popsicles

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Serves: 12
Cooking Time: 5 minutes


  • 500 gr. strawberries
  • 500 gr. Greek yogurt 2% fat
  • 250 gr. sugar
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice



Rinse the strawberries very well and remove the little green leafs.


Cut the strawberries in half and puree them in a food processor.


Heat the puree of the strawberries, the sugar and the lemon juice on medium heat until boil, stirring often.


Remove from the heat and let cool very well.


Mix the strawberries puree with yogurt until you have a smooth and homogenized mixture.


Fill the popsicle molds and put them in the freezer.


If your popsicle molds are made this way so you can put the sticks from the beginning, you do so, otherwise you have to let the ice cream for a little while in the freezer (1 or 2 hours) and then put the sticks in the molds.


Strawberry yogurt popsicles



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